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Capital Projects

Under its capital improvement programs, the NJTA has expanded capacity, repaired or replaced deteriorating bridges, reconfigured entrance and exit ramps, improved maintenance yards and toll plazas, and expanded the use of technology for collecting and communicating information about roadway conditions. Descriptions of ongoing projects appear on this page. For additional information about capital projects, read the most recent Construction Fund Projects Report



Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension Improvements Program
  • Location: Hudson and Essex Counties
  • Description: The Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension runs 8.1 miles from Interchange 14 in Newark to Jersey Avenue in Jersey City.  Nearly 80 percent of the roadway is carried on bridge structures. Those 29 structures are in poor condition and require regular, disruptive, and costly maintenance just to remain in service. Traffic growth and port-related heavy truck activity cause regular congestion. The Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension Improvements Program will modernize the Extension, replacing the 29 bridge structures and adding capacity to ensure safety and reduce congestion.
  • Schedule: The Program is being built as four independent projects. Project 1 goes from Interchange 14 in Newark to Interchange 14A in Bayonne and includes the Vincent R. Casciano Bridge over Newark Bay.  Environmental studies and preliminary engineering began in 2021. Final design is expected to begin in 2023. Construction on Project 1 is expected to begin in 2026 and last an estimated 8 to 10 years. Projects 2, 3, and 4 will begin after Project 1.
  • Further Information: Program Website / Program Overview (Video) / Program Documents / Virtual Public Information Center (Video)
Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension Deck Reconstruction between Interchange 14A and Jersey Avenue
  • Location: Hudson County
  • Description: Bridge decks are being rehabilitated or replaced between Interchange 14A in Bayonne and the terminus at Jersey Avenue in Jersey City. Other work includes structural repairs, bearing replacements, substructure spall repairs, drainage improvements and lighting improvements. 
  • Schedule: Construction is scheduled to begin in late 2024 and be completed in late 2027.
  • Further Information: Project Overview (April 2024)
Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension Bridge Deck Reconstruction between Interchanges 14 and 14A
  • Location: Essex and Hudson Counties
  • Description: Bridge decks are being replaced between Interchanges 14 in Newark and 14A in Bayonne. Other work includes median barrier replacement and structural repairs, along with drainage and lighting improvements.  
  • Schedule: Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2024.
Bridge Deck Reconstruction on Eastern Spur between Mileposts 106 and 107
  • Location: Essex County
  • Description: The work includes bridge deck reconstruction, structural steel and concrete repairs, bearing replacement, lighting and drainage improvements, and guide rail upgrades.
  • Schedule: Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2023.
Bridge Reconstruction Between Interchanges 9 and 10
  • Location: Middlesex County
  • Description: Five bridges between interchanges 9 and 10 are being reconstructed and repaired. The structures include the Basilone Memorial Bridge over the Raritan River and four smaller bridges over local roads, an access road, and a railroad right of way. The work entails reconstructing bridge decks, repairing structural steel, strengthening the superstructures, and making other miscellaneous improvements.
  • Schedule: Work began in March 2022 and is expected to be completed in September 2025.
  • Further Information: Project Website
Delaware River Bridge Reconstruction
  • Location: Burlington County (and Bucks County, PA)
  • Description: The bridge across the Delaware River between the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Turnpikes will be improved. The New Jersey Turnpike Authority and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, which jointly own and maintain the bridge, are evaluating potential alignments and bridge types for the new crossing. The improved structure will have three lanes and full right and left shoulders in each direction.
  • Schedule: An alternative analysis began in 2021. Preliminary Design and Environmental Studies are expected to begin in 2024.   Final Design is anticipated to begin in 2027. 
  • Further Information: PA Turnpike Commission Website 
Interchanges 1 to 4 Capacity Enhancements
  • Location: Salem, Gloucester, Camden, and Burlington Counties
  • Description: A third lane will be added in each direction over the southern 36.5 miles of the Turnpike. This is the only section of the roadway where the capacity remains at the original two lanes northbound and two lanes southbound. The Program includes improvements at Interchanges 1, 2, 3, and 4 and the replacement or rehabilitation of 56 of the 66 bridges over or along the Turnpike. Environmental benefits include the incorporation of green infrastructure elements to improve water quality, and planning for both the current and future needs of electric and autonomous vehicles.
  • Schedule: Preliminary design and environmental studies are complete. Final design, engineering, and environmental permitting are underway. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.
  • Further Information: Virtual Room / Fact Sheet / Program Documents / Spring 2024 Newsletter / Stay Up-to-Date by Subscribing to Receive Future Newsletters


Operational Improvements between Mileposts 80 and 83
  • Location: Ocean County
  • Description: These improvements are being designed to reduce travel times and improve safety and accessibility in a corridor with high crash rates, high traffic volumes, and operational deficiencies. The improvements include adding entrance and exit ramps at Interchange 80 to provide full access between the Parkway and the local roadways, relocating the Interchange 81 southbound exit ramp, adding collector-distributor roads northbound and southbound to improve access at Interchanges 81, 82, and 82A, providing 12-foot left and right shoulders and travel lanes, repairing and improving 11 bridges and building seven retaining walls.
  • Schedule: The project is currently in the Preliminary Engineering phase.  Final Design is expected to begin in 2025, and construction is expected to begin in 2027. 
  • Further Information: Virtual Public Information Center Presentation (April 2023) / Diagram of Proposed Improvements
Bridge Deck and Median Barrier Reconstruction Between Mileposts 140 and 143
  • Location: Union County
  • Description: Bridge structures will be repaired and upgraded, and new lighting and median barriers will be installed between mileposts 140 and 143 on the Parkway. A new deck and pedestrian walkway will be built on the Galloping Road Bridge. Other structures to be repaired in connection with this project include bridges over Route 22 eastbound and westbound and Morris Avenue (Route 82). 
  • Schedule: Construction began in 2020 and is scheduled to be completed in 2024. 
  • Further Information: Project Brochure / Project Website
Passaic River Bridge Improvements
  • Location: Passaic and Bergen Counties
  • Description: The Garden State Parkway Bridge over the Passaic River, US Route 46, and River Drive is being widened to provide full-width lanes and adequate shoulders. This project is intended to extend the remaining life of the structure and improve safety.
  • Schedule: Construction began in 2021 and is scheduled to be completed in 2026.
  • Further Information: Public Hearing Handout / Public Hearing Report