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License To Cross

A License to Cross grants permission to outside parties to impact New Jersey Turnpike Authority property. Licenses to Cross are granted for permanent installations such as utility crossings and for temporary impacts such as construction easements. Here are the links and details you need to apply for one.


The Standard License to Cross Agreement contains the usual terms and conditions for an License to Cross, including provisions on the term, costs, insurance and indemnification. Requests for changes to the standard language are not usually granted.

In order to apply, the application form must be fully completed and returned along with a non-refundable $900 application fee. The fee should be submitted in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or money order payable to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.

The application and payment should be submitted with eight sets of plans and specifications and other applicable supporting documentation, such as drainage calculations and luminaire photometrics along with a CD/USB of electronic file in PDF version of all document including plan set submitted to the Accounts Receivable Section of the Finance Department at:

U.S. Mail

New Jersey Turnpike Authority

P.O. Box 5042
Woodbridge, NJ 07095-5042


UPS & Federal Express

New Jersey Turnpike Authority

1 Turnpike Plaza
Woodbridge, NJ 07095


  1. Scale: 1" = 50’ (1:50) or larger (i.e. 1" = 30’)
  2. Plan sheet size shall be 22" x 36" or 24" x 36" (841 x 594 mm)
  3. All freehand lettering shall be legible.
  4. New Jersey Plane Coordinate system is to be used.
  5. Map scale and north arrow shall be shown on every map.
  6. All revisions to the proposal shall be numbered, dated and noted as to their nature in a revision box on each plan sheet.
  7. All Turnpike roadways shall be clearly labeled.
  8. The baseline (with continuous stationing) of Turnpike roadways shall be indicated.
  9. The Turnpike right-of-way and all property lines and monument markers shall be shown.
  10. The limits of disturbance shall be indicated.
  11. All proposed facilities shall be shown in bold.
  12. Plans shall be blocked, signed and sealed in accordance with State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Administrative Rules and Regulations, Chapter 40 (13:40-1.1, et seq).


We recommend that application for an LTC be made as soon as preliminary plans are developed for the project.